How do I renovate my parquet floor?
Parquet is a natural and durable floor covering and also offers the advantage that it can be easily renovated several times. A renovation of parquet includes a basic cleaning, sanding and the repair work with a final surface treatment with sealants or oils and waxes. When required, you can also achieve a completely new look with a colored surface treatment. We recommend to contact a specialist for your renovation project.
It is better to be safe than sorry - prevent scratches and contamination - this is the best protection for your parquet flooring.
Naturally oiled floors can be renovated with a basic cleaning and a following new surface treatment. Also only partial repairs are also possible at this type of surface finishing: Individual scratches and pressure points are sanded off and then only need to be re-oiled 2-3 times. Any color differences that arise will even out within a few weeks.

When renovating varnished parquet, it always requires a sanding of your floor. In the event of minor damage, the varnish layer must be sanded and renewed. In case of damage that reaches deeper into the wood, at scratches and pressure points, the entire varnish layer of the parquet as well as approx. 0.7 mm of the wood must be sanded off. Then a new surface finishing is applied with varnish or if you want to switch, even with oil/wax. Afterwards your parquet floor looks like new again. Fyi the other way round – turning an oiled parquet into a varnished one – isn’t possible!

Parquet is a natural floor covering that lives and tells stories about your life. After years of use, parquet can lose its shine and signs of wear and tear and scratches may become visible. These traces of use can be easily removed by sanding and your parquet will shine again in its former glory . The only requirement is a wear layer thickness of at least 2.5 mm, with our usual 3.6 mm wear layers a sanding is possible up to 2-3 times. The grain size for the sanding depends on the condition of the floor, the greater the damage and unevenness, the larger the selected grain size. For subsequent sanding rounds, ever finer grains are used. A sanding should always start on the wall, then the floor is sanded to the center of the room. You go back and forth on each lane. The usage of an edge sanding machine is particularly recommended for sanding at hard-to-reach areas, on edges and corners. In principle, it is advisable to seek the help of specialists when renovating parquet floors. Professionals give you the best advise, have the appropriate tools and guarantee ideal results with their experience.
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