Parquet Stories

If you want to immerse yourself in the diverse past of the heart of our Styrian provincial capital Graz, the Schlossberg, you do not only walk on historical ground, but also on a special edition of Scheucher parquet: On September 12 and 13, 2020  the Graz Museum Schlossberg opened its doors and we are proud that around 180 m² of exhibition space was equipped with our plank WOODflor NOVOLOC 5G 182 Oak Natural Valletta Rauchgrau Seda.

Not only the calm grading Natur, but also our special color “Rauchgrau” , skillfully
takes a backseat, blends the overall look and allows the unique exhibits to stand out. Our high-quality oiled / waxed surface SEDA not only creates a pleasant and healthy room climate, but is also ideally suited for very stressed areas, such as here in the museum, as these are easy to clean, maintain and to repair when necessary (also partially). Therefore the parquet floor can always be kept in a perfect optical condition.


This new, family-friendly museum presents the history of the Schlossberg and its significance for Graz in a contemporary way. Together with the Graz Museum in Sackstraße, the Graz Museum Schlossberg forms a bracket between the hill and the city.

Architecture + design

The design by the architecture studio WG3 impresses with its inviting attitude and develops an atmospheric quality of stay in the new Graz Museum Schlossberg. The foyer area—partly roofed, partly under trees—opens the historic courtyard of the Stable or Cannon Bastion towards the public strolling past: With its modern architectural layer, the ring-shaped paving and planting overcome the historical barrier to the former “barracks yard”.
Although the architectural concept of WG3 refers to the old fortification and defence community of the 16th to 19th centuries, it creates a new, open framework for today’s community of recreation seekers coming to the Schloßberg. In addition, the contemporary exhibition and graphic design of BUERO41A emphasises that the past centuries of the Schlossberg’s history are presented exclusively from a contemporary European perspective.”

Fotos: Graz Museum Schlossberg © Lupi Spuma © Studio WG3