The Scheucher organic bee and wildflower project


As always, the whole Scheucher Parkett team works hard - but would you have expected an increase of around 80000-90000 colleagues in such a short time?

Don't worry, neither do we - these aren't employees in the classic sense, but three bee colonies of the breed “Api Mellifera Carnica”, also known colloquially as the “Carinthian bee”, which were recently settled in the meadows near to our head quarters. The "Scheucher bees" are perfectly adapted to our climatic conditions and receive affectionate care by Mr. Gerald Amtmann - an organic beekeeper from Ungerdorf.

The essential guidelines for organic honey are keeping the bees in beehives, which exclusively consist only of natural raw materials such as wood, clay and straw. In addition, there must be forests and meadows, cultivated in an environmentally friendly manner, in the vicinity of the beehives. In order to meet the requirements, self-assembly kits from real handwork were purchased from the company Janisch and then completed by our apprentices. The colorful paintings on the beehives come from the children of the kindergarten and elementary school in Mettersdorf, which were finally treated with special, natural linseed oil for a longlasting protection.

All activities of our bees can be followed through a pane in our specially made showcase:

Small things make a big difference

As a future-oriented family company, Scheucher is of course not only looking forward to its own organic honey, but above all would like to use this project to raise people's awareness of the indispensable role of bees in our ecosystem and to make an important contribution maintaining bee populations. Each and every one of us can make a difference and has the responsibility to leave an intact nature for future generations.

Wildflower meadow in Zehensdorf

Butterflies, bees, bumblebees and other insects are increasingly having trouble finding enough food. To protect the species, Scheucher also set an example and our apprentices created a nutritious flower meadow on an area of around one hectare.

Here, we also had support from the children of the elementary school and kindergarten in Mettersdorf: Appropriate flower seeds for a plentiful supply of food and a good living environment were sown - now it is time to wait until the full splendor unfolds and ensures a species-rich and lively variety.
We are very looking forward to it!

Once again a big thank you to our hard-working apprentices and all the children of the elementary school and kindergarten in Mettersdorf!